Saturday, March 21, 2009

My 25th Birthday!

I know I am back tracking a little but you have to talk about some of the BEST times of your life. Turning 25 was a rough one... for some reason I have a problem with age and getting older. I have a feeling it is only going to get worse! ; )
January 4th was mine and Kara's birthday. We decided to celebrate together and make it a BIG affair.. oh how fun it was! We did Sloshball for our birthday. We got a big group of our friends together Made teeshirts that sad "I Got Sloshed At Meredith & Kara's Birthday". For those of you who are wondering what "Sloshball" is... it is kickball with a keg (yes a keg of beer) at second base. It was a blast. We invited all of our friends over to our house with their beach cruisers bikes and rode to the park. We then played sloshball for two hours and rode home. Oh what a fun day!
Here was our fun creative invitation:

Come get sloshy in celebration of Kara & Meredith's Birthday!!
Meet us at Cholla Park at two in the afternoon, You won't miss us, just look for the balloon

If you're not sure how to play ...don't worry! Just think kickball but slightly blurry....

There will be keg at second base and another at home plate, We just can't wait!!!!!

We will provide a jersey for you to wear,
just wear sporty shorts for this splendid affair!

After the game we will continue the fun...
Did you really think we were done???

Our House will be our next destination,
We like to think of it as a real party station....
After the game, no need to wash up
You'll just get dirty playing flip cup

We'll serve Hot Dogs and cake
We wouldn't host a party and not bake...

We sure hope you can come celebrate our big day
and if you drink to much don't worry you can stay.